************************************* * S u p p o r t B u l l e t i n * ************************************* /Newsletters/SupportBulletin Using 1.69 MB. * 91_Summer_Bulletin * Motorola Service Availability New Distribution Partners Expand Service Coverage A Quieter 400 MB Drive NeXT Service Installs New Information System! A Guide to the NeXT Service Order Form Service Part Additions and Changes 68040 Upgrade Program Returning Defective Service Parts Your NeXT Hardware Service Support Organizations Software Support Tips and Techniques Ways Not to Configure Your Network Beware the Power of Root Techniques for Using the Network File System The NeXTdimension Software What's Improved in Release 2.1? Contacting NeXTedge Technical Support Guidelines for Completing a Bug Report NeXTdimension Upgrades The Key to NeXTdimension Configurations Irregular Printing on NeXTstation Color Support Bulletin and NeXTanswers on Disk Introducing New Education Options NeXTedge Course Schedule Access to NeXTedge Support ToolsÐFree of Charge Help Us Improve Our Communication Contribute Your Own Articles to the Support Bulletin How to Talk to NeXT * 91_Winter_Bulletin * printing with PostScript devices A guide to existing methods of attaching a PostScript output device to your network and configuring your NeXT computers adjusting your color display How to optimize the adjustment of your color display relating NetInfo to classic UNIX How NetInfo relates to, works with, and supersedes UNIX flat files transferring data with floppy disks The essentials of formatting a floppy disk, choosing a data format and device driver, and transferring files from a NeXT computer to a Sun NeXTdimension demos Answers to common questions about the video and imaging capabilities of the NeXTdimension system, as well as some step-by-step procedures a new Software Release 2.1 Important changes to NeXT Software Release 2.1 affect WriteNow, NeXTdimension, and keyboard mappings what to know about the new WriteNow A preview of Appsoft, Inc.'s plans for improving and supporting the NeXT version of WriteNow squashing your files A look at Squash, one of several new third-party applications that make file compression and backups a snap Sybase databases for NeXT computers An overview of the capabilities and pricing of Sybase's three database products, including one only for NeXT computers repeat performances education A guide to NeXTedge education, including a learning path diagram to map you through course prerequisites and a schedule of courses from January through March of 1992 tips and techniques Helpful hints on managing core file space and using NeXTmail fyi useful NeXT numbers and addresses and instructions for installing and using your support bulletin floppy disk * 92_Spring_Bulletin * announcing NeXTstation and NeXTcube Turbo A look at the chips and RAM in NeXT's new Turbo products, as well as at the company's plans for making the products available a preview of Release 3 and more A peek at new products available later this year NeXT's strategy for software distribution The pros and cons of various system software distribution media and an overview of NeXT's current and future distribution plans a foolproof guide to backups Tried-and-true methods to help you determine what needs to be backed up and how to do the job right-the first time dialing up for network service An overview of on-demand TCP/IP networking: what it is, how it works, and what's available now for NeXT computers securing your NeXT computer on a WAN The basic steps you need to take to safeguard a computer granting access to a wide area network power on? An explanation of the startup flags and operating system variables you can use when you run into problems starting up your computer repeat performances customer education A schedule of NeXT courses for developers, system administrators, service technicians, and other users tips and techniques How to speak UNIX and a tip on troubleshooting gray screens fyi A new technical support option and instructions for installing and using your support bulletin and NeXTanswers on disk